Get creative with strawberries and chocolate to make Strawberry Ladybugs, the best dessert to welcome Spring!
What You Need:
Melting chocolate, or chocolate chips and a tiny bit of coconut oil
What You Do:
Wash your fruit. Halve your clean strawberries and set your blueberries aside.
On a plate, set your cut strawberries red facing up.
In a microwave-safe bowl, heat your chocolate in 30-second increments, stirring in between until your chocolate is fully melted. Add 1 tsp coconut oil to achieve velvety-smooth chocolate!
Use a toothpick to place a dot of melted chocolate at the wide-end of your halved strawberries, then put a blueberry on the chocolate. This will eventually harden. Now you have a head for your ladybug!
Use your toothpick and melted chocolate to then create a vertical line down the back of your ladybug body (strawberry) and decorate with dots of melted chocolate on each side.
To go the extra mile, use the toothpick and chocolate to give your ladybugs legs, 3 on each side, and little antennae!
Serve and enjoy!